Rangatira Limited – Sale of Bio-Strategy Holdings Limited


Rangatira, together with its partners, has signed an agreement to sell 100% of the shares in Bio-Strategy Holdings Limited to DKSH Holdings Limited. The closing of the transaction is subject to certain conditions and is expected to occur in the 2023 calendar year.

Bio-Strategy is the largest distributor of scientific instruments in Australia and New Zealand, focusing on life sciences, medical & healthcare and environment & agriculture segments. The company is based in Melbourne and has a team of over 100 people. Founded in 2003 by Graeme Thompson and Robert Lyon, Rangatira invested in 2015 with the aim to support the growth of the business organically and via acquisition.

Graeme Thompson, Founder and Director of Bio-Strategy said: “Rangatira has supported Bio-Strategy through its transition from a founder-led business to a more corporate structure. Rangatira has been a constructive and supportive shareholder during our long partnership. DKSH has an impressive track record and I look forward to seeing how the business continues to perform under their ownership.”

We commend CEO John Chesterfield and the whole Bio-Strategy team for their efforts and thank them for their consistent focus on customer experience and product quality. DKSH is a Swiss listed multi-national distribution business with a focus across Healthcare, Consumer Goods, Performance Materials and Technology. DKSH operates in 37 markets, with 32,600 specialists and net sales of CHF 11.3 billion in 2022. 

The Net Asset Value of Rangatira, announced in June 2023, did not take this transaction into account.

Rangatira Limited – Sale of Bio-Strategy Holdings Limited

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