Working with Rangatira

A partnership with Rangatira is focused on long-term value. We provide your business with the tools for growth, while allowing you continued influence.

As a business partner, Rangatira can

  • Provide capital, expertise and governance required to expand your business
  • Help fund the acquisition of a competitor, supplier or other related business
  • Connect you with the right people to expand your business or fill skill gaps
  • Provide the stability and security of a respected cornerstone investor
  • Provide a means for you and other shareholders to realise returns on your company
  • Enable you to diversify your investment holdings or pursue other opportunities


Our approach is to co-invest alongside owners and managers to align everyone’s interest in a long-term growth strategy.


The Rangatira Partnership


We advise and assist with high-level strategy, including growth plans, channels to market, acquisitions, operational efficiencies and capital structure



Our placements on your Board of Directors bring a wealth of governance experience to guide your business as it grows



We leverage our national and international network to connect with you the right people to grow your business and to find the talent necessary to fill gaps in your business’ skill set



We entrust the day-to-day activities to the managers of the company. As owners and managers, you retain the room to make decisions and control your future in the partnership



Our aim is to enable our management teams to build value in their businesses. With a record of understanding hurdles and supporting management through them, we are always available to assist



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